Aly Ytterberg

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About The Artist

Aly Ytterberg is a hard-edge, color-block artist from St. Louis, Missouri who finds inspiration in nature and the memories that people connect with different landscapes. She works primarily with acrylic paint but occasionally ventures into the world of watercolor, ink, and collage. Aly received her BFA from Washington University in St. Louis. She has since shown her work in local and regional shows and galleries as well as having pieces in collections across the United States in homes, corporations, residential buildings, and healthcare institutes. Aly calls herself a mother/artist. Her primary role is being a stay-at-home-mom to her 4-year-old and twin 18 month old sons. She primarily paints during naptime now and loves every minute of this crazy stage of life.

“My latest series draws inspiration from photos taken while driving through or exploring within the American landscape. I’m drawn to old structures, linear fields, the human touch found in nature, and the stories that these places could tell if only they could talk. I am particularly intrigued by places that might normally be overlooked by those driving by or places that just kind of spark that little thought of having seen it before – a déjà vu.  There’s a purposeful ambiguity of exact location when I design these landscapes and this is to allow the viewer’s imagination and memory bank to swirl. They seem to tell different stories to everyone that sees them. A unique connection to every viewer.”